West Haven, CT


Campus Pastors: Rick and Tiffany Magee

Rick Magee had a powerful encounter with the Lord in 1994 when he was filled with the Holy Spirit. He and his wife, Tiffany, have spent many years on the streets preaching the Gospel to the lost, and teaching children how to encounter God.

Tiffany Magee was raised in a Godly home and filled with the Holy Spirit at a young age. She moved to CT in 1999 to work as a research scientist. The Lord told her when she moved in the area that she would see revival.

Rick and Tiff have a passion to see people's lives transformed and yearn to see revival in the church again. They have been in ministry leadership since 2005 alongside Pastors James and helped plant the first Engaging Heaven campus in 2008. They are currently the campus pastors and oversee EHC in West Haven, CT.

Upcoming Events at West Haven

WH - Men's Meeting

Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

WH - Clean up Day!

Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025, 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

Copyright 2025 Engaging Heaven Church. All Rights Reserved.